The LFG1300S is a general-purpose signal source with a broad range of research, design, and service applications. Covers the frequency range from 0.02Hz to 2MHz (uncalibrated to 0.002Hz) and provides sine, square, triangle, ramp, and pulse output signals. Pulse symmetry is variable over a 9:1 range and, unlike many other instruments, changing the symmetry does not appreciably affect the output frequency. Linear and logarithmic sweep frequency outputs are available with sweep widths up to 1000:1. Output level is controlled by a calibrated 70 dB attenuator (10 dB/step) with continuous adjustment between steps. The output may be frequency or amplitude modulated by an external signal. A level control also provides suppressed carrier outputs.
Leader, LFG-1300
Le foto sono di repertorio e potrebbero non corrispondere all'oggetto realmente venduto, come pure le opzioni installate. Su richiesta verranno fornite foto in alta risoluzione e opzioni reali dell'oggetto in vendita.
Descrizione del prodotto
- Range in frequenza: 0,002 Hz - 2 MHz in 8 decadi.
- Sweep lineare e logaritmico da 20 ms a 5s, da 10:1 a 1000:1, interno o esterno VCG.
- Segnale d'uscita: sinusoidale, triangolare, quadrato, impulsivo, dente di sega, DC e TTL
- Frequenza massima: 2 MHz
- Frequenza minima: 0.002 Hz
- generazione impulsi: si
- livello massimo: 20 Vpp
- sweep: si