- LMV-186A consists of two high sensitivity voltmeters housed in one cabinet. A single meter with two independent pointer movements is used in the measurements.
- Voltages can be measured at the same time at tow different points in the test circuit or for two separated loads. Switching is provided for measurement or comparison where voltages are within 10 dB, such as in stereo circuits.
- Indentical voltage ranging and amplifiers systems are used in each channel which operate without crosstalk. Decibel scales are provided over the full voltage range, at 0 dB=1 Vrms and 0.775 Vrms, which are useful in data plotting and comparison of levels.
- The meter scale calibration is in terms of the effective value of a sine wave.
- Both voltmeters may also be used as a high gain AC amplifier.
Leader, LMV-186A
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Descrizione del prodotto
The LMV-186A have concentric dual channel meter movement with separate needles on the analog display and a channel reverse switch. For stereo audio, the LMV-186A is very apt for measuring record and playback levels, channel separation, balance and tracking tests of volume, loudness and tone controls versus frequency, etc.
- Wide Frequency Range
- Letture in Millivolt, Volt, dBV e dBm fino a 600W
- Accuratezza ± 2% del fondo scala
- Sensibilità: 100mV
- Uscite d'amplificazione del segnale