The PL series is accepted as the industry standard for laboratory bench PSUs in many countries. High resolution controls enable precise setting of voltage and current levels whilst high accuracy digital meters provide clear, unambiguous readings.
PL series units incorporate digital meters with a 3.75 digit scale length (4095 counts) to provide greater accuracy and resolution than other PSUs. Large and bright LEDs give a clear and unambiguous reading. An update rate of 4 per second provides near instantaneous response. Separate meters are used for voltage and current, eliminating the need for meter function switches with their attendant problems of misinterpretation. A damping switch for the current meter simplifies measurements on rapidly varying loads.
Remote sense terminals enable the precision to be maintained at high currents by eliminating the effects of connection lead resistance. Without remote sense lead resistance of just a few tens of milliohms can seriously degrade regulation and produce misleading results. (Two cables of 0.05O each will drop a total of 0.3V at 3 Amps.).
The PL series sets the standard for simple and comprehensive control. Voltages are set with coarse and fine controls for speed with precision. Currents are set with a semi-logarithmic control for increased resolution at low current levels. The DC output switch enables voltage and current levels to be set before the load is connected. With the output switch off the current limit set point is displayed. With the output switch on the actual output current flowing is displayed. This invaluable feature allows delicate circuits to be protected by accurately setting the current limit level (down to a few milliamps if necessary) before connecting the circuit under test.
TTi Thurlby Thandar Instruments PL154 Alimentatore 15V 4A
Sei in: ALIMENTATORI CC » Singolo
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Descrizione del prodotto
- Range di tesione: 0 - 15.5 V
- Range di corrente: 0 - 4 A
- Corrente massima: 4 A
- Display: LCD 7 seg
- Tensione massima: 15.5 V
€ 60,00