Tektronix, 2707
Sei in: ANALIZZATORI DI SPETTRO » Generatore tracking
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Descrizione del prodotto
The Tektronix 2707 is an external tracking generator used to characterize filters, check duplexers or cables, make frequency response, SWR measurements (with a return-loss bridge) and EMI site attenuation tests. The system provides swept measurements from 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz and at least 100 dB dynamic range to see filter, ultimate rejection, or circuit isolation characteristics.
- Frequenza massima: 1.8 GHz
- Frequenza minima: 100 kHz
- Livello massimo: 0 dBm
- Livello minimo: -48 dBm
- Risoluzione minima: 0.1 dB